
pics from our new camera

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Anonymous said...

You are toooo wonderful and the camera features are delightful.

Thank you for keeping in touch.
Gma Joy and Gpa Peter

Anonymous said...

You are toooo wonderful and the camera features are delightful.

Thank you for keeping in touch.
Gma Joy and Gpa Peter

Anonymous said...

You are toooo wonderful and the camera features are delightful.

Thank you for keeping in touch.
Gma Joy and Gpa Peter

Anonymous said...

well, i won't leave my comment 3 times (you can't blame those "unbiased bloggers" for their blogging ineptitude) but the pictures, as usual, are perfect. and i can't wait to see the little guy in action! (and maybe get a crunchwrap supreme, the taco bell pics made me hungry...)