
ultrasound #2 - 20 weeks

we had our second ultrasound on oct 19th, and the whole family was there... dylan was intrested when he heard the heartbeat and mommy and daddy were overwhelmed with their new little baby. we had decided not to find out the sex again because we enjoyed it so much last time, but the little baby had other ideas. out of no-where the baby decided to open its legs and show everyone exactly what its sex is...

Here are the couple of 3D images the doc was able to get. the baby was moving so much that he was only able to get a couple.

Here is the baby with a bunch of fluid in the way
The best shot: the baby with the arm and fist on the left side
a 2D shot of the baby's profile (looks like another big head!
Overall the baby is healthy and looking good. The weight is 14 oz and some of the measurements were a little big making the machine move up my due date to 3/3, although the doc says we will keep the original due date of 3/7. Posted by Picasa


Here is a good shot of the spine : it looks like a smiley face :)
Here is the little fist all balled up
Here is the baby elbowing me nice and hard
And here is the foot
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the proof

while we had every intention of not-knowing, the little baby was not modest and wanted every one to know... ITS A GIRL!!! Out of nowhere the baby decided to show-all. there is obviously no boy-parts and according to AAP the 3 white lines you see in the 3rd picture make it almost 100% sure that it is a new baby girl... We better keep our receipts though, because we told the doctor that we didn't want him to confirm so that it is still somewhat of a guessing game!

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my new hat!

My mom and dad have been on the look out for a hat that they can strap to my head, and they finally found one. don't i look silly? Posted by Picasa

lions and penguins and giraffes, OH MY!

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